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Print Reply
Thu, 30 Mar 2000 09:04:02 EST
text/plain (35 lines)
For those of us concerned with ferret abuse at ferret shows, we have heard
from the president of AFA.  She has informed us that AFA does not do any
policing at shows.
Actually, this is a good thing.  How can one really police a dear friend?
Maybe- Someone with no affiliations to this group and who does not know
the breeders-an ordinary person with common sense-should be in charge of
handling complaints of ferret abuse.
I do not know the AFA from ABC.  I do not know any breeders.  And once
again-as I know there are a number of people from GCFA that read this-I
offer my services at the show next Oct.  in the Chicago area.
A definition of abuse, and the consequences of abusing a ferret at a show,
need to be discussed at the next board meeting.  I would suggest that after
two written and signed complaints against anyone abusing a ferret at a
show-the person no longer be allowed ever again to attend the show or do
any form of advertising with the group.  {I am sure others will come up
with their own ideas.}
We can sit and write and moan.  Or we can get off of our laurels and do
something to protect ferrets at shows.  There are many kind people with
common sense who love ferrets here who could correspond with the group
putting on the ferret expo.  in their area, and volunteer their services
as ferret liaison coordinator.  Or ferret abuse busters.  Or ferret rage
control personnel.  Or ferret protection patrol.
Please-have someone from GCFA respond within the next 3 months by e-mail.
I will be happy to volunteer my services for the day for the love of
[Posted in FML issue 3006]