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Mon, 6 Mar 2000 13:40:01 -0500
Nancy Farlow <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
Until I have a chance to respond to each of you personally, I want to
express my deepest gratitude for the outpouring of support and advice many
of you have expressed for Beuhler's condition.
Beuhler is holding his own.  Several people suggested applying warm
compresses and massaging his belly, which I've been doing periodically
over the last day and night.  Actually, I've been altering warm and cold
compresses.  That, and/or the antibiotic, has helped.  He is able to
relieve himself to some degree, so we didn't need to have another
cystocentesis done yesterday.  I'm keeping a close eye on him today
(luckily I'm working at home at the moment, so I can be here for him).
Several people mentioned the possibility of adrenal/prostate problems,
which I think is also a possibility.  My vet did not find an enlarged
prostate when he operated to remove the bladder stones, but Beuhler has
had some behavioral changes lately that make me suspicious.  I had in fact
mentioned this suspicion to my vet at Beuhler's last exam (before this
latest crisis began).
If I can keep Beuhler reasonably comfortable for now, I have an appointment
with my regular vet for the 21st, when he returns to the office.  He's very
good with ferrets, and he recently pulled another one of my little guys
through surgery for a big nasty adrenal tumor.  If Beuhler needs attention
sooner, I'm planning to call Dr. Kim at the Ridgefield Park Animal Hospital
(thank you so much to the two people who gave me his name and phone number-
I know he's been mentioned before on this list, but I'd forgotten his
Thank you all again for your encouragement, support, and advice.  I'll keep
you posted on Beuhler's progress.
Nancy and critters
[Posted in FML issue 2982]