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Tue, 22 Feb 2000 21:22:02 PST
Monica Walker <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
I would like to take this time to thank everyone who emailed me with
suggestions to help Fozzie get over his hurdle of teeth grinding and not
eating.  He had an appt with the doc today and we've started him on flagyl,
carafate, and amoxicillan.  Along with force feedings I'm positive that he
will recover and become once again the fat and sassy fert that I picked up
a little over a month ago.  I know the road will be long and probably
filled with lots of bumps and potholes.  But, I know that Fozzie knows that
I love him and won't give up on him and watch/let him die.  I REFUSE!!!!!
All the emails that I received seemed to agree on the possibility of a
stomach ulcer.  The doc suggested possible exploratory surgery last week,
but with Fozzie's weakened condition I felt he was not a good candidate
and declined.  So we are treating for a stomach ulcer with high hopes of a
complete recovery.  I will post again (soon I hope *g*) of improvement on
Fozzies health and hopefully he'll start to eat on his own again, even if
it is only duck soup.
Thanks again and god bless everyone on this list.
Monica and the Weasel Ward
Samson,Bear,Felix,Karizma,Oscar,Fozzie Bear.
ICQ # 29613521 - Slinky
We never lose the ones we love,
For even though they're gone,
Within the hearts of those who care,
Their memory lingers on.
Bonnie,Bartles,Yuki - gone but not forgotten.
[Posted in FML issue 2968]