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Wed, 16 Feb 2000 08:56:40 -0800
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (59 lines)
The Sierra Club has actively opposed the legalization of ferrets in
California for many years.  To learn more about their communications with
the DF&G and ferret supporters, you can go to the archives of Californians
for Ferret Legalization: http://www.ferretnews.org/archive.html.  A few
years back I wrote to both the national chapter and the California chapter.
The national chapter claimed no responsibility for the decisions of local
chapters, and the California chapter quite definitely favored opposition of
ferret legalization.  I am not sure why the woman you wrote to would have
claimed that the California branch has no stance on the issue, unless not
all of their members have been informed about it.  If it is true that she
really doesn't know their position, I believe the best thing you can do is
to write back to her, politely explain that the Sierra Club has indeed been
an opponent of ferrets in California, give her some facts about ferrets
(such as that they are indoor pets, have never bred in the wild, and are
actually safer to the environment than cats or dogs), and request that she
have the California chapter review its policy about ferrets using all the
scientific evidence available.  I don't know if your aunt could have any
influence on the California chapter, but if there's a chance that she might
be able to, you should give her the same information.
As a resident of California myself, I want to thank you for looking into
this issue.  I think the best way to influence the Sierra Club and other
organizations that oppose legalization is to gain the support of members
who have real decision-making power.  On a side note, I would like to
remind all Californians to PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE send your letters to the
DF&G before the April hearing and let your opinions be heard.  I know there
have been a lot of calls for letters in the past, and there will be many
more before this is over.  If you don't feel you have the time or the
energy to keep writing, then just write ONE letter, save it on your
computer, and cut and paste addresses as this issue makes its way through
the DF&G and the legislature.  If you are concerned about giving out your
name and address, be assured that if you don't actually claim to own
ferrets then you will be safe.  There are many, many people affected by the
ban, but the DF&G won't change a thing unless they hear from us in large
numbers.  Think about all the time and effort you go to to make sure your
ferrets are safe and healthy... writing a letter now and then when it is
called for is just one more thing you can do to ensure the welfare of your
Of course, you don't have to write if your little mischiefs have stolen all
your pencils!
P.S. Let me re-post the address for the DF&G commissioners:
Commissioner Theriot
Commissioner Chrisman
Commissioner Schuchat
Fish and Game Commission
1416 Ninth Street
Sacramento, CA 94244-4899
CFL asks that we also send a copy to Bob Treanor, the executive director,
at the same address.
[Posted in FML issue 2962]