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Fri, 4 Feb 2000 13:19:18 EST
Judy Gronwold <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (69 lines)
Posted in 2 parts: [Combined... BIG]
This is a difficult post for me, but one I feel is necessary.  While I hope
to avoid a "panic situation", due to my love of ferrets I feel it is my
responsibility to notify the ferret community that one of my ferrets, White
Russian, has tested positive for Aleutian Disease Virus.  To my knowledge,
he is the first in the Chicago, Illinois area to be tested with a positive
result.  As some of you know, he was entered in the GLFA Ferret Show in
Michigan in May or June of 1999 (which was held at a Sport's Complex - I'm
sorry I don't remember the name of the city), as well as the GCFA Ferret
Show in Wheaton, Illinois in October of 1999.  He was also at the Arlington
Pet Expo in the spring of 1999.  I am urging anyone who had ferrets at
these events, as well as anyone who handled White Russian at any time, to
have their own ferrets tested for ADV.
I have spoken to Dr. Bruce Williams who is extremely knowledgeable about
ADV.  He has assured me that it is not common for ADV to be spread in this
manner, but that ADV is generally spread through breeding, urine, feces,
and saliva (sharing litter boxes, food dishes, and water bowls/bottles).
He does, however, recommend testing.  He also stressed that, any home or
facility where even one ferret tests positive, should be immediately
"closed", with no ferrets coming in, and no ferrets going out except for
visits to the vet.  My home is now under quarantine, per his instructions,
and will remain so until the last of my current fur kids crosses to the
Bridge.  While I am deeply saddened that one of my babies, especially one
that has had so much exposure to other ferrets, could possibly spread the
virus (no one knows for sure), I assure you that I had absolutely no
knowledge that White Russian could have been exposed or would test positive
until a few weeks ago.  It was then that I learned that one of his
offspring has tested positive.  I immediately had him, as well as Chablis,
the dam of the ADV positive son, tested.  Chablis tested negative (Dr.
Williams has given me a possible explanation for that).  Subsequently, I
learned of another of their offspring that has tested positive.  I have
been assured that several offspring by White Russian and a different jill,
have been tested and are negative.  If you have adopted ferrets/kits in
White Russian's line, please contact the breeder you adopted them from to
ask about test results.  White Russian and Chablis, along with all of my
other ferrets, will be tested again on Tuesday, but, according to
knowledgeable resources, there really are not a lot of false positives to
the test.  Ferrets that were exposed to White Russian should be tested
approximately every 3-6 months for a period of 2 years.  Your vet can
contact United Vaccines at (800) 283-6465 for information about the test.
People with multiple ferrets can obtain a test kit and do their own
testing.  Call United Vaccines and ask for customer service.
I would be happy to answer any questions that I am able to answer, but I
have no desire whatsoever to enter into discussions or conjectures as to
where White Russian was exposed to the virus.  It does not matter to me
where he was exposed and it has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on what
I'm posting here.  I will not respond to any discussion or e-mails about
that subject.
The important thing is that you are all aware that he did test positive
and, even more important, that research and funding go forward to learn
more about this disease.  I will be making my donation to the funding at
the earliest time possible.  Unfortunately, just before all this "broke"
at my house, I quit work to stay home and raise my granddaughter.  I hope
to get all the ADV tests, the other testing that White Russian and Chablis
are having, as well as ongoing veterinary care for some of my other ferrets
paid for first.  THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR DONATIONS OR HELP!  I am not a
shelter and am not set up to take donations, although I know that there are
generous people who might want to offer.  Please send any "extra" money you
might have to the fund for research.  While I have tried to post this as
unemotionally as possible, please know that this an extremely emotional
time for me.
[Posted in FML issue 2950]