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Ferrethut <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 5 Aug 2000 16:11:44 -0400
text/plain (25 lines)
This is off the subject I am sorry but I would like to find out where I can
find something.
To let you know why the question let me start by telling you How this
happened.  I work at a vets office and on May 22nd 2000 we had someone come
in that wanted a 4 day old puppy put to sleep due to the fact one of his
front legs was missing.  Well.... needless to say we couldn't do it.  where
I work they will find a home for them unless there is a health reason to
put them to sleep.  So I have had him here with us since he was 4 days old.
He is doing wonderful he is growing he is ROTTEN to the core.  The question
I have is Does anyone know of a company that makes legs for dogs?  I have
looked up on the web only to find them for humans.  He needs part of his
front leg.  He does good but gets mad cause he can't run as fast as the
other dogs.  He is always inside except to go potty.  I also would like to
get everyone's opinion on if I should even try to get him a leg cause he
does good.
Thank you for all your help, Our prayers are with everyone who has lost a
baby to the rainbow bridge.  God bless and Hope to see everyone at the Sept
23 show.
Thank you Judy
[Posted in FML issue 3135]