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KiSta Ferret Shelter <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 12 Jun 2000 14:34:22 -0400
text/plain (45 lines)
Hello FML'ers,
First, if anyone wrote to me over the weekend, and I haven't replied to you
yet, I apologize.  My email box got so full, I'm sure it bounced back some
messages, as I was unable to use the computer since Friday.
Its been very hot here in Joisey for the last 3 or 4 days.  Very hot.  =
Super humid.  We have 2 window unit airconditioners on our very small =
house, that usually do a great job.  But, this weekend it really sucked. =
Sorry to use that word, but it seems the best to describe this weekend.  On
Saturday, it was great, we were graced with a visit from Melissa, Lori &
Bill (from the NYC Ferrets site) and also from Michelle from Boston.  The
power started going weird when Melissa, Lori & Bill were here.  It just
started going off.  It got worse.  The house got up to 85 degrees, and poor
Stan was outside at the powerbox trying his damndest to fix whatever was
malfunctioning.  With not much success.  The power would be on for about an
hour, and then go off.  Initially, I thought it was only our house, but
then a neighbor asked Stan to fix HER electricity too.  So, it was like a
"brownout" sort of thing, I suppose.  While Stan was out trying to fix the
wires/whatever, im panicking in the house, with 45 ferrets, now beginning
to pant.  I run to the store, and get some ice.  I take the older ferrets
out to the car in carriers, with the airconditioning running and keep them
cool that way.  The power stayed on Saturday night until Sunday AM, when I
was trying to get to work.  Then, it started going weird again.  Needless
to say, I didn't go, and stayed home trying to keep them all cool in the
car, and with ice bags in their cages.  Using the computer during all this
was out, not only because of the power fluctuations, but also since I was
busy running around like a chicken sans head.
Thankfully, after speaking with the power company today, and having power
continuously since yesterday around five, it seems to be fixed.  My point?
Please be very careful with ferrets in the hot weather.  The house heated
up to 85 degrees in about 30 minutes.  If I hadn't been home, the house
would have been closed up, and probably would have gotten even hotter.  I
dread to think what would have happened to my little old lady ferrets if I
weren't home.
Keep cool,
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[Posted in FML issue 3081]