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Patrick Cooper <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 27 Apr 2000 06:26:24 -0500
text/plain (36 lines)
Hi there.  I am a new subscriber to the FML and so far, I love it.  You
guys are great resources.  So since this being the case, I thought I would
ask a couple questions.
First, anyone know of any decent ferret clubs or vets in the Indianapolis
I have just purchased my 2nd and 3rd ferrets, both female.  One is a
chocolate named Amy, and the other is a blonde named Star (My kids, ages 3
and 5, respectively, named them.) My first fuzzball died about 4 years ago,
unexplicablly a week prior to our cat dying as well.  In hindsight I am
sure these were related but being a new ferret owner, I didn't think to
bother to have an autopsy of either.  I just took care of their bodies and
dealt with the loss.  With that experience behind me, I am hoping to avoid
any other such occurence.
Secondly, does anyone know of any decent IRC chat places in regards to
ferrets or any other message boards to use?  As previously stated, I am
trying to avoid any reoccurences of my last failed attempt at owning a
ferret and want to do it right for the sake of the fuzzies and my kids,
since technically the ferrets are theirs (#1 cool thing about being a dad
is having a reason to buy cool things, as in, "But honey, it would be great
for the kids," all the while knowing they would be mine.)
Please if you would like to strike up correspondence, or just drop an
occasional line, I would appreciate it.  My email is [log in to unmask]
Thanks in advance for any help in my questions.
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."
Prov 16:9
[Posted in FML issue 3035]