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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0004 27655 19 23_Litter pan dumping help9_Anne [log in to unmask], 20 Apr 2000 07:22:20 EDT335_- This one is simple :-)

1. Take a drill and drill holes in each or the corners of the pan, towards
the top. If you don't have a drill, a hammer with a nail will also work.

2. Go to your local K-Mart/Wal-Mart etc and purchase a package of metal
shower curtain hooks (generally around $1.50 for a dozen or so.) [...]36_20Apr200007:22:[log in to unmask] 0004 27675 34 17_Litterbox tipping14_Anastasia [log in to unmask], 20 Apr 2000 14:25:51 EDT545_- Hello all!

I have a suggestion for Harvey for a way to thwart litter box tipping.
Using a small drill, put a couple of holes thru the lip of the litter box.
Then secure the box to the side of the cage. It helps to wire more than
one side otherwise a really enthusiastic ferret can still lift the free
side up over the height of the wire and empty the box out the side of the
cage. I use covered telephone wire, secured with the ends outside of the
cage. The wire eventually breaks inside the plastic coating, but [...]39_20Apr200014:25:[log in to unmask] 0004 27710 18 25_Ferret Dumping Litter [log in to unmask], 20 Apr 2000 13:35:18 -0500458_- Sharon posted about her ferret dumping the litter box. Bad news - ferrets
LOVE to do this! Good news - it can be prevented. Fasten the litter box
to the cage in some way so the ferret cannot flip it over. We drill holes
in the side of the litter box and use wire (we like the 22 gauge insulated
solid wire from Radio Shack) to fasten the litter box to the cage. Pet
stores also sell cage clips or you could try binder clips. Good luck! [...]43_20Apr200013:35:[log in to unmask] 0004 27729 21 34_REGARDING: Dumping Out Litter Pans14_Julie [log in to unmask], 20 Apr 2000 21:40:45 -0400423_- I noticed that my ferrets started to flip their litter pans when I was
slacking off on their playtime.

Besides getting them out a little more, my husband came up with a great
idea. He drilled holes in the sides of the litter pans, big enough to fit
small electrical zip strips through them. We then tie the zip strips
around the bars of the cage. This prevents any tipping over of litter
pans. [...]41_20Apr200021:40:[log in to unmask] 0004 27751 19 33_Re: leg licker RE: early adreanal15_Candi [log in to unmask], 20 Apr 2000 11:57:57 EDT507_- Oh my gosh I wrote the FML and got a response from someone saying that the
leg licking was a sign of early adrenal. Could this really be? It never
even crossed my mind I figured she jut loved me so much! If anyone else
thinks this could be the case PLEASE email me so I can figure out what to
do next with her. She has NO OTHER symptoms of anything and is not acting
out of the ordinary any other way. I would also like to ask how is this
diagnosed through the vet? My vet loves it [...]43_20Apr200011:57:[log in to unmask] 0004 27771 52 28_You might be ferret ow
Thu, 20 Apr 2000 10:20:52 -0400
text/plain (29 lines)
I did the same thing that Candy did.  I got a regular child gate and put
card board on it, but the whole way up (I have some really persistent,
wonderful climbers).  I used duck tape to hold the card board in place.
My WARNING is: After some persistent digging one of my girls, Tinkerbell,
got behind the cardboard ...  so at this point she was between the card
board and the plastic mesh.  She decided to try to go through the gate.
I would have never thought that even my smallest ferret would have fit
through there and tinkerbell's a medium size female.
Obviously . . . she got stuck, about half way through.  She was probably
there about three to five minutes.  I heard scratching but I thought it was
from her digging at the card board again.  It wasn't, it was her back legs
scratching at the card board trying to get the rest of the way through.  I
had a real hard time getting her out, it was a bit tense for a minute or
My husband replaced the plastic mesh with plexiglass.  He did this by
first cutting the plastic mesh out of the gate ... then taking a pair of
needle nose pliers to pull the rest of the plastic out of the grooves (it's
stapled in there) ... then on each portion of the gate (each square) you
take the end or side piece off by tapping up on the top piece of wood and
down on the bottom.  There is are nails holding the end piece there.
Finish one square before you do the next or the whole gate will fall apart.
Once that's down, you just slide the plexiglass in and put the end back on
and nail it.  He said that it wasn't that easy to do, but I do love it now
that it's done.
[Posted in FML issue 3028]