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Mon, 20 Dec 1999 00:19:21 -0600
text/plain (44 lines)
I wrote the entire follow -up story re: my recent rescue, but it was
rejected due to length.  I just tried to break it up into two parts, and
I lost the whole thing.  So now , I will start all over, and put it into
two postings.  Please be patient, as I tend to ramble when I have unsettled
issues that hurt .
First of all, I want to thank all of you who wrote to me privately with
your concern for this sweet neglected ferret that I rescued from a dark ,
cold, and lonely garage.  The pain has been in my heart every night since
I first saw him shivering all alone.  I wake up in the middle of the night
hurting because I wish I had known earlier of his situation.  I don't know
how you people do this.(rescue on a regular basis)  But from your private
responses to me, I know that I am not alone in feeling as I do.  To the
lady in Canada who offered to send him one of her hammocks (your address
was deleted by mistake; I wanted to answer you), to the angel in Utah with
all the animals who offered to take him and pay for any surgeries that he
might need; to the rest of you who sent your love and concern, to Sukie,
and to Troy Lynn who sent me a journal of suggestions and recipes for sick
little ones...Bless you all for your support.  This hurt so much, that I
don't know how you get through a Rainbow journey; I can't even imagine.
I only had him with us one night.  I isolated him from my Fang because that
is what I thought was best after learning from the FML.  I wanted to let
them meet, but I kept him secluded in a bathroom where he was warm and had
a blankie.  My husband, my son, and I took turns being with him and telling
him how sweet he was.  He wasn't sick as much as he was so thin and fairly
weak.  He seemed to mostly want to sleep.  Whenever he was awake he just
couldn't get enough of the Iams catfood we gave him.  He also kept drinking
out of the bowl; he would eat a few bites, then drink, over and over,
almost like he needed the water to get his food to go down correctly.  He
also had a grinding thing that he did with his teeth every so often.  I
told the vet about this later...
The next morning I heated up the truck before I put him in , and off we
went to Dr.Joe, the vet who I hoped would keep him for his very own.  If
not, he had promised to help by contacting a ferret lady he knew of that
had two of her own..my hopes were high.  Please read my next post, as I
am shortening this one so it goes through.
[Moderator's note: Sorry, part two didn't come in today.  Stay tuned.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2903]