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Mon, 17 Jul 2000 04:32:41 -0400
daniel pelletier <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
Hi all, sorry to disagree as i hate doing this, but i just had to...
I had to disagree when Scott Giarrocco said (and i quote) :
>First, deafness is NOT a defect.  No disability or handicap (and
>personally, I am not too fond of those descriptions, either) is a defect
I am sorry to say yes it is, genetically speaking anyways.  Usually with
ferrets (and humans too?) deafness is caused by a part of a gene that is
missing (ex: Waardensburg?) or altered.  so therefore, if a genetic error
causes deafness, or for that matter a disability or handicap, isn't it
acceptable to say that the result of that genetic error causes a defect
on the body's affected part?
Dont get me wrong, i dont mind deaf ferrets.  i have one sweet furry girl
that is totally deaf that i love so much.  it's just that terms need to be
clarified.  i know we dont want to say that there is something wrong with
our ferrets (and this email doesn't intend to say that either), but if
something is not the way it is meant to be genetically speaking, wouldn't
that be called a defect by normal definitions of the word?
This is from Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionnary (on-line), directed to
people who want to disagree on definitions...
Main Entry: 1de`fect
Pronunciation: 'dE-"fekt, di-'
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin defectus lack,
from deficere to desert, fail, from de- + facere to do -- more at DO Date:
15th century
1 a : an imperfection that impairs worth or utility : SHORTCOMING <the =
grave defects in our foreign policy> b : an imperfection (as a vacancy =
or a foreign atom) in a crystal lattice
2 [Latin defectus] : a lack of something necessary for completeness,
adequacy, or perfection : DEFICIENCY <a hearing defect>
Source: Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionnary (on-line at
http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/mweb) (BIG, hope this is good enough)
I just think the definition says it all.  If you do not agree with me (and
the dictionnary) please write back to me personnally.  please remember
that i am not saying you have a bad ferret, nor your ferret isn't sweet
and all, or anything else against your ferret (nor directly against the
original author of the email).  I just feel that terms had to be clarified
[Posted in FML issue 3116]