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Thu, 13 Jul 2000 18:32:08 -0500
Brandy Ashmore <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
Tusk is 3, and starting to scare me.  MF ferret, he has always been
small, only about 2 lbs, but very healthy from my ferret friendly vet's
perspective.  Now he worries me, for the past 2 weeks he has been dropping
weight, and having on again off again runny poopies.  His diet is 50/50
Iams kitten and 8 in 1 ferret food.  He used to get a little linatone or
nibble of a cucumber(his fave) but I haven't been giving him any treats
since he started showing signs of sickness.
He is eating healthy, has bright shiney eyes, energy level the same.  Here
the past 2 days his ribs and spine are starting to "poke out" his fur.  I
have been making sure he won't dehydrate, but what could this be?!?!???
He is showing no other signs to indicate ECE, tumors, or insulinoma(sp).
That is one reason I haven't taken him to the vet... the other is my vet
ask ME questions about ferrets.  He had owned 2 at one time and is good
with them but pulls his book out when I have questions and I usually just
turn to you to help me.
I have felt his body to see is I can feel anything.  Everything normal but
the skinny.  Please help!  I don't know what to do.  Should I go ahead and
have him X rayed, or keep watching an waiting?  Anything help would be
grateful.  Thank you and I love each and every one of you for the love
you have!
Brandy Jean
[Posted in FML issue 3112]