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Tue, 20 Jun 2000 12:05:53 -0400
"Regina J. Hart" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
Hello all!
>Got a question.  I would like to be able to keep my ferrets outside part
>of the day in a corral or large pen.  I was wondering what size of wire I
>would need so that they cannot sneak thru.
I would recommend 1/4" wire mesh.
>Would I need a top to the pen/corral?
Most certainly!!!
>Any recommendations for a certain pen, roof covering, or just some tips
>on outdoor playareas?
You could just purchase a nice large cage and outfit it with a shade cover.
I personally love Martin's Cages (http://www.martinscages.com); the PVC
coated wire is awesome!
Regardless of whether you make or buy a pen, be sure to provide plenty of
shade.  Ferrets can become very ill (and die) in temperatures over 80
degrees or so.  Also, if the pen does not have a bottom, you'll need to
sink the sides down into the ground quite a way in order to prevent them
from digging out under the walls.  My only other concern would be theft.
I would personally be waaaay to nervous to leave my guys out for fear that
someone would cut the wire and take them.  Call me paranoid, but stranger
things have happened!
Gina Hart/Sage Ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 3089]