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Mon, 19 Jun 2000 11:45:03 -0500
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There is a vet in Harrison Ar who supposedly specializes in exotics.  The
office is connected with a Pet Store which sells birds, rodents, reptiles
and occassionally Ferrets.  This person "supposedly" checks out each
animals coming into the pet store.
Last January, I took my daughter in there to buy some treats (this is the
ONLY Pet store in a 100 mile radius.  Usually I order via internet, but
sometimes when I run out of something, I go there.) Well, to make a long
story short, the manager there knows me and knows I run a rescue, so she
told me that they had gotten in several ferrets from a lady "who ran a
rescue, but had to go to the hospital and needed to give them up."  I
agreed to look at the ferrets, one female and two un altered males.  All
three were sweet tempered, in good health and very kissy.  Even the boys
were not snappy.  Well, my daughter was holding the female and just fell in
love.  I know better, but since it was a few days before her birthday,and
she had money from her father, I agreed to let her buy the little girl.
I checked out the ferret and noticed an enlarged vulva.  I brought it to
her attention, and was told she had been spayed recently, and it had not
gone back to normal.  I asked about remnants, and was told the attached Vet
had done the surgery and would back it up.  I finally agreed and my 10 year
old purchased her and named her Curry.  The Vet gave her her shots, and I
asked her personnally about the swelling, and she told me that it was
normal after being spayed.
Curry is about 1.5 years old, very kissy and sweet.  Though she is a sable,
she reminds me of my first ferret, Pepper.  Now Pepper is fighting adrenal,
and has had bad reactions to several of the medications we have tried him
on.  He has had two adrenal surgeries and three vet agree there is nothing
more we can do.  Pepper is bald, but still so sweet and loving.  And the
best guess is he is about 10 years old, since most of his remaining teeth
and mostly see though.  ANyway, back to Miss Curry Furry.
After a few scirmishes, Curry fit into the family nicely, but her vulva
didn't go down, instead, it swelled up more.  I contacted the Pet
store/vets office several times and was told to wait and see.  I asked
about the spay and was assured she "knew what she was doing." Finally, two
months ago, after having her two months or better, I took her to MY vet,
who is NOT a specialist, but is willing to learn and listens to me.  He
advised me to call the original vet and find out when she had been spayed.
I called.  The Vet told me, she had NOT spayed her, and never told me that.
That it was probably Adrenal disease.  Basically, her attitude was "too
bad, so sad", but told me to bring her in and she would treat her, for
about $200.
My Vet did surgery to check for either an incomplete spay, or no spay.
There was nothing there.  He was in her for better than an hour, looking.
Further testing led to the conlcusion of Adrenal.
Bear in mind, this is a ferret my 10 yeaar old child bought with her own
money for her birthday.  That I has ASKED several times about the swelling
of her vulva.  AND been assured it was normal.
All of this leads me to one of two conclusions.
A. the Vet knows NOTHING of Ferrets.  THe swollen vulva should have been
a HUGE clue to check this ferret out.
B. This Vet KNEW the ferret was sick, and allowed a small child to
purchase this pet knowing she would require VERY expensive surgery
In closing, I called the Vet with the results of the surgery.  She told me
"that's what you get for having ferrets.  You should KNOW they get sick and
die.  Adrenal disease happens in most ferrets." But she did offer me a free
EUTHANASIA.  Yes, she said bring the ferret in and she would kill her for
free.  Some Vet, right?  No, thanks, Miss Curry will be staying.  ANd
somehow, I will get her treated.  I don't know how, but SOMEHOW, I will
Fuzzy Kisses Ferret Shelter
Home of Pepper, SOlT, Cinnimon, Sugar, Spice, Whiskey and Miss Curry Furry.
[Posted in FML issue 3088]