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Sun, 11 Jun 2000 23:23:17 -0600
Randy Horton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
This posting is not meant to overburden all the rescues and shelters out
there but is meant to remind all of the ferret owners out there in the
world that read the FML about some of the things they should keep in mind
if they are ever forced to get rid of there ferrets .  I also want all
ferret owners to know that this posting is not meant to criticize anyone
for giving up there ferrets as we shelter operators understand that at
times there are valid reasons for people not keeping their beloved fuzzies.
The reasons for this posting are because as I was looking in the paper
today to check out our shelter listing and saw a couple of ads for ferrets.
I want all to know that if you are ever forced into the situation where you
cannot keep your ferrets, you should always contact your local shelter
first.  Why?  Anybody who is buying a ferret out of the paper may be
looking for a cheap deal, or promise you if you give them the ferret they
PROMISE to give it a good home.  Folks looking for a cheap deal will
eventually change the ferrets diet to CHEAP food.  There may be other
animals in the house that are dangerous to ferrets.  There are questions
that should be asked by you, but probably won't be asked because you are
not a shelter and just don't know to ask them.  They may also not notice if
your ferret goes into a depression when you surrender it after having it
for some time and it was bonded to you.  So many times we hear about how
they ran out of the food the ferret was eating and then went to the grocery
store to get food for their ferret.  There are no grocery stores that sell
a high quality , premium food for ferrets.  Even if you are considering
giving your ferret to a friend, pleasse be careful.  Unless they already
have ferrets and are aware that ferrets can become clinically depressed,
and don't usually change to different foods just overnight, your ferret may
be in danger in just a couple of weeks time.  There are so many things that
your ferrets are used to doing in your care that they won't be allowed to
do in their new home and this could stress them out.  Your local shelter is
used to dealing with stressed out ferrets, starving and abused ferrets and
just about everything that can happen to ferrets, they have already had to
deal with at least once before.  Most ferret shelters are no kill shelters
and can help you get good medical care for your ferrets by sending you to a
qualified vet.  If your situation is temporary, you may be able to board
your ferrets at the shelter for a reasonable fee.  Consulting your local
shelter is always the best thing you can do for your fuzzy one.  Please
remember one thing, shelter operators are usually preety darn strapped for
money because they shell out everything they have to take care of all the
ferrets that are given to them, so if you do surrender your ferret at a
shelter, please try to leave a donation of whatever you can afford to
leave.  It won't change the way your ferret is cared for, but it will help
the shelter continue to provide the level of care they provide for all of
the fuzzkids.  One more thing.  If you don't know how to get hold of your
local rescue, call your local animal control and they may know, or contact
one of us shelters that post on the FML.  Most of us have a list that has
all the shelters in the U.S., and most of us will be happy to help you in
helping your fuzzy one
Hugs to all, Ferretguy
[Posted in FML issue 3080]