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Fri, 19 May 2000 00:02:25 -0500
text/plain (19 lines)
Okay... I'm at a loss.  Bear, the new kid, is chewing up his bedding now.
First it was my socks, then underwear, now his sleep t-shirts.  I don't
know what to do.  I've tried giving him Cheweasels to no avail.  Apparently
he's wanting a high fiber, all cotton diet!  He has toys, he has playmates,
food, water, treats, a litter box to frolic in... what else do I do?!  I
kind of hate to spray all the bedding down with bitter apple.  I also hate
to take the bedding out altogether.  The other three that share his bed
would probably be a little put out.  I never see him doing it, so I can't
stop the behavior as it happens.  Arrggg!!!  The kids already have tons of
free time, so that can't be it either.  They're only caged while I'm at
work Help, help, help!!  If he keeps this up, I know we'll be spending the
summer at the vet's having intestines unblocked..  And while I love our vet
and all, we can't keep this up!
Perplexed in Nashville and Bear the little goat
(and Taz, Miesa and Joe- "Hey... where'd all the blankets go?")
[Posted in FML issue 3072]