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Print Reply
Sat, 3 Jun 2000 19:43:19 GMT
Michele Joudrey <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
Hi Everyone!  Well I have good news.  Right now all my fuzz butts are doing
well.  Tiny went to the doctor and came home.  I think she may have been
dehydrated, my own oppinion.  She drank alot, but the color of her feces
and how sick she was not not make much sense to me.  No testes were done
on her, the vet said we would wait to see if she continued to consume water
and monitor how she feels for a week or so.
What I feel happened if she was dehydrated , is that over the course of the
evening, she put her food in her water dish (maybe spilt it) and with her
being fussy, she just refused to drink.  But, this doesn't make sense due
to the fact that if you are thirsty, you would drink, wouldn't you?  All my
ferrets are very well taken care of, fresh food and water everyday, they
have their own play room and they all run everyday.  ( I have four) All I
know is that Tiny seems to be fine and I Thank God for that.
My prayers go our to Barbara, I know how hard it is to lose a friend.  That
is what our pets turn out to be, isn't it?  Take Care and seek comfort in
the knowledge that Wuggles lived a wonderful life.
[Posted in FML issue 3072]