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Fri, 2 Jun 2000 17:01:33 -0400
Penny Lepage <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (51 lines)
Well, Mom and Dad finally got us to Wa.  We got to stop at a rest area in
Mt and watched people fishing.  We would like to have gotten into the water
and played with them but Mom says NO!!  I guess she was afraid we would
just keep swimming away.
Freddie has a little problem Mom is worried about so if you have any
suggestions please let us know.  He likes to get into the tub and go to the
bathroom.  He pee pees a dark yellow color and then dribbles several spots.
Mommy thinks it might be an infection but not sure.
Missitoo is being much better lately about getting the other ferrets.
Mommy has a leather fly swatter and after cleaning it good she uses it
while Missitoo is out running around.  Only a couple times did Mommy have
to touch her with it.  Now, all she has to do is call her name when she
gets to close to the other cages.  So they do learn and they are very smart
and quick to learn.
There were two little boys come to visit us since we have been in Wa.
Mommy says they are what you call grandkids.  They poke their fingers in
our cages but Mommy tells us to be good so we can't grab them.
So we are good and Mommy takes turns and lets us out to play with them.
Mommy watches carefully so they don't hurt us.
Taz has a problem, he doesn't like to share the treats in the treat bowl.
He attacks anyone who gets to close and tries to get a treat.  Mommy just
picks him up and holds him and gives him hugs and kisses while the rest of
us get a chance.
Sweetie likes to steal Daddy's phone cord.  She has one end and Daddy has
the other trying to keep her from taking it under the couch.  Mommy puts
the cat scratch box up on the dash and we like looking out of the window.
What is really funny is to have the people in the park walk by with their
dogs and look up to see us watching them.
Mommy was so happy the other day.  Snowball has been in the family for
about two years now and usually he picks on Mommy, grabbing her and such.
Mommy calls him her little clown.  The other day he reached over and gave
Mommy a great big kiss.  That made Mommy really happy.
Well, we hope everyone is doing fine and prayers go out to everyone who is
Love and Fuzzy Kisses
Misstioo, Burglar
Nala, Snowball
Flower, Blossom
Taz, Dipper
Freddie, Sweetie
[Posted in FML issue 3070]