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Sat, 27 May 2000 13:47:08 -0700
Ann Siegel <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
It is with much sadness that I write my last post to the FML.  My beautiful
little girl Guida, also known as Little Rat, Ratty, Rat-monster, Stinky has
passed away.  She would have been 8 in September.  I went to say goodbye
to her before leaving to go to the store, and I found her in her "nest"
basket, sleeping peacefully.
I am completely shocked, as there were no warning signs that she was
nearing death.  She bounced back from adrenal surgery 3 months ago with no
problems, tested negative for insulinoma, and at her last blood panel--done
2 weeks ago today--everything came back perfect.  She was eating fine and
drinking just this morning.  And now she is gone.
Guida was, and will be, my one and only ferret.  I saw my first ferret when
I was 9 years old, and wanted one ever since.  I got Guida from a pet store
when I was 23, and she was my faithful companion ever since.  She moved
with me 7 times, went to grad school with me, outlasted my boyfriend, and
been the most loving, sweet pet imaginable.  I have never laughed so hard
as when I would find her stashes of tampons, lipstick, and the keys I
thought I had lost.  I was a learn-as-you-go ferret mom, and I know I made
mistakes along the way...but she seemed to forgive me.  She was the best.
My only consolation is that I know she did not suffer.  She just curled up
to take a nap in her favorite spot, and did not wake up.  No difficult
treatment decisions to make, no pain, no suffering.  I am hoping that she
was just old and that it was her time to go.  This is what I always wanted
for her--I just wish I could have had more time with her. :(
Thank you all for your support, kindness and advice over the years.  You
were the ones who referred me to Dr. Weiss when I moved up here, who helped
me with resources when I had to take her to Pennsylvania for a month last
year, when I debated surgery for her...whenever I needed you.
I won't be getting another ferret--she was a joy and a delight but I can't
cope with the pain and stress.
Thank you again and please give your furkids an extra hug today--as my case
shows, you never know when you will lose them.
& Ratty...now with the angels
[Posted in FML issue 3065]