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Sat, 27 May 2000 12:57:28 -0700
nikie dover <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
Hi all.  Last night Daisy had the experience of a life time last night.
Now for some background info, Daisy is the incredible flying ferret she can
jump amazing distances and climb like a monkey.  She is a mommies girl but
loves to find mistchief and the bathroom is the favorite spot, so I always
make sure the door is closed when the fuzzies are out, well last night I
had a friend over and I must have forgotten to tell him to make sure he
reclosed the door after he was done, well I'm not sure how long it took
daisy to find the open door because I didn't hear a thing, but about 30
minutes later I went in to use the potty, lifted the lid and the amazing
flying ferret came flying out of the toilet.  I am assuming that she pulled
the lid down on herself trying to get out.  The thing that shocked me was
that she didn't squeel once in the toilet, and since she is also the tattle
tale out of the group I was shocked.  Even more so by the fact that she
didn't seem the least bit upset, I got a towel and she dried off in my
arms, didn't want to leave her in the bathroom to do it *giggle*.  But as
of this morning she was her old self and trying to figure out how to open
the bathroom door again.
[Posted in FML issue 3065]