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Fri, 26 May 2000 11:31:44 -0600
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Today's news is more upbeat than the last posts but it does have a hitch as
well.  So here goes...
The woman called me today to tell me that she is not taking the 8 year old
ferret after all.  I was joyous inside... briefly.  She went on to explain
that she decided it was not worth it to put out $50 on a ferret that may
die within the year.  She went on to explain that this ferret did not have
its vaccinations for the past four years and that she would have to put out
more money to have her vaccinated and that was just too much money for a
ferret that may only survive a year or two more.  Ahhh, the value of a
Apparently the man who owns the 8 year old ferret now wants $150 (mostly
for the cage) and says if he does not get it, he may not be able to move
out.  he will put the ferret and cage up for sale in the local Bargain
Finder, and see if he can get the money he needs.  He is extremely upset
that the woman changed her mind and won't buy the ferret.  I told her that
she should mention to him about the ferret society I belong to, and that he
could surrender the ferret to us, and that we would try to sell the cage
for him.  Either that or surrender the ferret and let him sell the cage on
its own.  I am getting worried about the future of this poor little old gal
who may end up in worse surroundings.  I am greatly debating on all the
possibilities here.  After all, it would be giving her a second chance....
I am happy that the woman made the right decision... now it is my turn to
make one for this old girl....
More to come...
Betty and Her Blur O'Fur
[Posted in FML issue 3064]