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Fri, 26 May 2000 04:53:24 -0400
Dale Nupp <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
Hello All:
I must respectfully disagree with the poster who opined that ferret shows
only benefit people and are a detriment to the fuzzies who attend.  I have
gone to any number of shows.  In some cases I have shown some of my furkids
and in other cases I have simply attended as a human.  I think our ferrets
benefit in a number of important ways.
First, all of the shows I have attended have either been run by a ferret
shelter or by a club that supports a shelter.  The monies raised have
been of enormous help to the shelters that benefit.  In addition to the
sponsers, other shelters typically attend and also try and raise money
for their shelters as well.  I do not know of any shelters that have been
sufficiently flush with cash that they can afford to forgo these kinds of
fundraisers.  Every show I have attended has had a direct benefit to some
sick or neglected fuzzy.
Second, every show I have attended provides education to the public about
our beloved fuzzies.  I think education without having ferrets attend would
be sadly lacking.  Demonstrating the care of a fuzzy using a real fuzzy has
significant benefits to the uninformed.
Third, although I am quite sure some people are obsessed with the placement
of their ferrets at shows, I think most people take the placement of their
fuzzies in good fun.  Every judge I have encountered or observed has been
exceedingly fair.  Any criticisms they have raised about my personal carpet
sharks have been used by me to try and make my fuzzies healthier.  Many
times I have seen judges talking with fuzzy owners about ways to improve
the care of their kids.  This certainly is of no benefit to the person
since it typically involves more work but certainy helps the animals.
Fourth, I must admit that the first time I took my guys to a show, they
exhibited stress poops for the following 24 hours.  However, over the years
I have tried to have my ferrets interact with as many people and other
ferrets as possinble at shows, club meetings or just with other fuzzy
owners.  Over the past several years I think my kids have improved to the
point where they exhibit no stress from interatcing with others.  They
certainly seem to enjoy running around and sniffing other fuzzies.
All in all, I think ferret shows, fun fests, picnics and the like are
important benefits for fuzzies and fun for people too.
[Posted in FML issue 3064]