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Thu, 25 May 2000 15:36:36 -0400
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I think I've posted a few more complete "insect repellent" posts in the
past few months, as have others ..  you might want to check the FML
Here is part of what I've posted in the past, though:
I'm told that lavender (essential oil or dried herb) keeps away flies, and
I know that eucalyptus citriadora and citronella essential oils work nicely
when I go out in the woods to keep away mosquitoes and other annoying
flying insects .  (I make lotions containing those essential oils).  Oh,
and bergamot (dried plant or essential oil) is a repellent of some flying
insects, too.  (Be careful when going out into the sun after applying a
balm containing bergamot; the bergamot will increase your sun sensitivty.
Also, do not use pennyroyal EO at ALL if you are pregnant, or around a
pregnant animal.  It can cause miscarriages).
One of my favourite things to make against bugs is a balm/lotion bar.
(These are to apply to people - NOT to apply to animals!)
Here are some recipes for that:
Recipe One -
2 oz. coconut oil
1 oz. shea butter
2 oz. beeswax
15-20 drops citronella essential oil or eucalyptus citriadora essential oil
10-15 drops lavender essential oil, if desired
Melt oils and beeswax together over medium heat until melted.  Pour into
small containers, add essential oils, let harden.  Pop out and rub on
skin.  :->
Recipe Two-
1 part shea butter
1 part cocoa butter
1 part oil (I use castor or olive oil, usually)
1 part beeswax
Essential oils as in Recipe One
Melt oils and beeswax together over medium heat until melted.  Pour into
small containers, add essential oils, let harden.  Pop out and rub on
skin.  :->
The above essential oil combinations can also be added to a homemade
lotion (or store-bought unfragranced lotion) if desired, for a "bug-off"
Recipe One:
1 tsp. vodka or everclear
10 to 30 drops anti-bug essential oil
1/4 tsp. castor oil.
Mix two ingredients above together, and then add 1/2 cup distilled water.
Shake again and spritz to keep bugs away!
Recipe Two:
Take a large handful of lavender flowers and cover them with vodka or
everclear, in a glass container.  Leave in cool, dark location for about
two weeks, stirring occassionally.  Drain resulting infused alcohol (which
should be purplish/brownish in colour) into a glass container.  Add about
an equal amount of distilled water.
To this, add lavender essential oil, and possibly some cedarwood/citronella
essential oils as well.  Also add about 1/2 teaspoon of castor oil, as a
scent fixative.  Shake and spritz to keep bugs away!  Shake again before
each use.
Recipe Three:
1/8 tsp glycerine
1 1/2 cup vodka
1 cup distilled water
1/8 tsp castor oil
Essential oils of choice - maybe 20-30 drops?
Mix all above ingredients; let sit 7-10 days in a dark location, shaking
each day.  Then put in spray bottle (preferably glass), shake and spritz
to keep bugs away!  Shake again before each use.
Recipe Four:
1/8 cup 100% vodka
1 cup distilled water
Essential oils of choice - maybe 10-15 drops?
Put these in a dark bottle and swish ingredients every time you pass the
bottle, for 7-10 days.  Then put in a spritzer bottle and use! :->
Shake it before each use.
Sniffy Jars
Another thing that I like to make is "sniffy jars" or jelly jars.  If you
have animals, make SURE to put these somewhere out of the pets' reach!  I
put mine in baby food jars, with a bit of cheese cloth secured across the
top with a rubber band.  When I plan to be out again, I just recap them
using the baby food jar lid.
One popular way to make them is using Agrosoak/Soil Moist.  These products
(which also are available under other brand names) are polymer crystals
which absorb liquids when moistened to hold many, many times their weight
in liquid.  You should be able to find them at your local garden center.
I'm told www.digahole.com sells them as well.
To use them, put about 3/4 teaspoon of Agrosoak in a baby food container.
Add anti-bug essential oils (you can use quite a bit, since these aren't
going on anyone's skin ...), and fill rest of jar about 1/2 to 2/3 full
with water.  The crystals will absorb the fluids, and you will return to
find that they have swollen and filled the jar.  Leave jar open where it is
not accessible to pets, but in area where bugs might visit.  (Bugs don't
need to eat these crystals; the scent is supposed to repel them).
These will periodically dry out a bit, so just add some more
water/essential oil when they do.
Ela Heyn
Harborside Mail Stop 3024
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[Posted in FML issue 3063]