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Sun, 21 May 2000 03:15:56 +0100
Cris Page <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
I wrote to the RSPCA headquarters 10 days ago about the killing of Boe.  I
had a reply back from the Welsh regional office which I felt didnt answer
my points.  I have fired off another, stronger letter, and am writing to
thier patrons too, as well as my M.P.
I feel it is hypocritcal of this society to claim that they are a welfare
organisation when they behave in this manner.  Some of you may have heard
of another creature that died of thier hands (in this case a tortoise)
after being misidentified as a terrapin (!!!!!!!), because it seems the
inspector doubted that it could be rehomed.  This shows that Boe was not
in fact a "one off" incident.
I have posted the correspondance to date on my website (url below) for
anyone who is interested, I would suggest that anyone in the UK looks into
this situation, one day it could be YOUR fuzzy!  (or any other pet you
have) This is not a "visit my site" stunt... I dont care if you only look
at this page..  in fact please only do that !!!  the reply didnt address
any of the points and to me seems to have the air of "we are the rspca dont
question us over one ferret"
As an animal lover who is owned by 4 cats 1 Dog and now Bubbles (the
vampire fert) I cannot accept that this is a proper way for an animal
welfare organisation to behave.  I hope ALL uk subscribers to this and
other "pet" lists will write and protest that it is not acceptable for
inspectors to coldly kill our pets in this manner.  WE CAN make a
(hey BIG I know it may not be 100% ferret related..  but I feel its
important to kick some institutional Butt in this case..  for the sake of
all the babies.....)  [Doesn't have to be 100%, just more than 50% :-) BIG]
My thoughts to "Boes family"... and anyone with a sick or angeled carpet
Cris Page...... the motley crew and....
Bubbles (oh dad .......lick sniff.......u look good enough to eat......
icq #7988247
[Posted in FML issue 3058]