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Fri, 12 May 2000 19:27:47 -0800
text/plain (65 lines)
Hi all
Another busy day in da greeting department but I will make all da ferret
comfortable and try to make them as happy as possible.
A little girl came in today.  She said dat she didn't have a name but some
hooman said her name waz Jane.  I told her dat waz a good name and dat da
hooman would have been her new mommy if she hadn't come here.  She said she
felt really bad when she seen her and da hooman had tried to help her but
she waz to sick.  She said she seemed like a nice hooman what little she
saw of her.  She said she felt a lot better here but waz a little hungry.
So I gave her da tour and she went over to da Gravy Gourmet to grab a bite.
She said dat she thanks her new mommy for what she did and if she doesn't
mind will wait for her here.
A little boy came in.  He said his name was Blue.  I gave him da tour and
he waz also interested in eating and when we got to da Gravy Gourmet, Jane
waz still there so I introduced them and told them dat they came from da
same place.  They were soon talking about everything where they came from
and seemed to get along very well together.  They soon went off to explore
on their own for a while.  He said to tell hiz mommy dat he luved her and
to send lots of kisses her way.
A little girl came in later.  She said her name waz Laverne.  She got da
tour of da place.  She said she waz going over to da Otter Slide and do
some sliding and get wet and she even waz splashing around in da water a
little bit when she slid down.  She didn't seem to mind getting wet at all
and waz sliding over and over.  She would slide down and then run back just
to slide again.  She seemed to have a lot of fun at it though.  She said to
tell her mommy and daddy dat she luved them and to send lots of hugs to
both of them.
A little guy came in later.  He said hiz name waz Tempest.  I had looked up
Rocky and he waz here to meet him.  They talked for a long while and Rocky
waz really interested in da gossip at home.  While they were talking they
wonered over to da Fruit Bar and were sampling da treats there.  They ate
quite a lot of da different things there.  Then they to wondered off to
explore on their own and see what trouble, I mean things they could get
into.  He said to tell his mommy dat he luved her and to send kisses and
hugs her way.
A little guy came in later.  He said hiz name waz Obi.  I gave him da tour
of da place.  Hiz eyes lite up when he seen Dirt Mountain.  He said dat he
waz going over there and dig a bunch of tunnels and maybe a den or two to
store hiz blanket in.  He waz soon digging away and dirt waz flying
everywhere.  He looked like he had done dat a lot and had a lot of practice
at it.  I believe him when he said he waz going to dig lots of tunnels.  He
said to tell hiz daddy dat he luved him bunches and to send him lots of
A little guy came in after.  He said hiz name waz Slinky.  He was met by
Allie and Stormy.  They were happy to see each other and they were really
interested in da gossip at home.  They sat downa and listened to everything
dat had gone on after they had left.  After they got all da gossip, they
headed over to da Tube Park to do some tube running and maybe enter da
races.  They were not to bad at it either but they need a little practice
yet to get real good.  He said to tell hiz mommy dat he luved her and to
send hugs and cuddles her way.
I am going around to check on all da new ones and see dat they are doing
ok.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3050]