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Thu, 11 May 2000 01:45:48 -0700
Edward Lipinski <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (55 lines)
Obi died following his second adrenal surgery.  Obi was a wonderful male,
sable ferret adopted from Ferrets NorthWest some many years ago.
His original name was Nobal.  This name characterized Obi physically
since only one of his two testicles descended.  Had neither descended he
would've carried the name Noballs.  That's just in case you were
Obi was buried among the flowers at Ferrets NorthWest FNW in a private
ceremony that was photographed in some detail.  Obi's grave is located
among the flowers not very far from where Obi dug in years past to his
heart's content in the FNW Ferret Digging Grounds.
His grave was marked by red and white carnations and moistened by salty
tears.  He was laid to rest, coiled up on his side just as though he was
asleep, in his favorite blue blanket.  The edges of the blue blanket were
folded over him in a gesture of great love and respect for this little four
legged fuzzy that gave his owner so much love from such a tiny heart.  A
heart this is forever still.
Mother Earth was gently laid over the little blue blanket, handful by
gentle handful, until Mother Earth took him to her self in the cool embrace
of eternity.
The red and white carnations are wilted now and have been removed, but a
little steel rod tells us where Obi lies so very still in the eternal
embrace of Mother Earth, the earth that Obi so loved to scrape around with
his busy claws when he would dig his tunnels.
The flowers all around Obi's grave, now that the carnations are gone, are
the loving handiwork of Anne Eleanor Lipinski, my dearly beloved wife,
whose delicate toils have given us the wonders of flowers such as
Doronicum, Rhododendron, Penstemon, African Daisy, Azalea, Laurustinus,
Tulip, Euphorbia, Sparkleberry Holly, Hydrangea, Viburnim Davidii, Wolfseye
Cornus Kusca, and so many others, too many to mention here.
To those who may be interested, a Ceremony of Rememberance will be given,
complete with photographs of Obi's burial at every presentation by Ferrets
NorthWest FNW all around the Puget Sound.
Edward Lipinski would like to erect a solid bronze memorial Christian cross
adjacent to Obi's grave and if you feel in your heart of hearts you'd like
to be a part of Obi's rememberance and make a contribution to the cost of
erecting such a memorial, I would like to send you, as a contributor, a set
of photographs of the burial of little Obi.
I sincerely hope and pray you hold no animosity towards me for suggesting
rememberance donations for Obi's grave marker.  It just strikes me right
here in the heart that maybe you'd feel pretty darn good making this
offering of genuine love for the little fuzzy that was Obi.
Frettchenvergnuegen little friend.               Edward Lipinski @ 4321
86th Ave SE, Mercer Island, WA 98040-4124, United State of America.
[Posted in FML issue 3049]