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Wed, 10 May 2000 20:33:03 -0700
Rocky & Shawnee <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
I just recently joined the FML and wanted to let you know that I just
adopted a ferret from the Friend of Fuzzies ferret shelter in Bend,Oregon.
I adopted a deaf female panda.  She is adorable and doing great.  Her and
my other ferret Lucy are getting along great, and terrorizing my Persian
cat Smokey.  My new ferrets name at the shelter was Dizzie, which she is...
But whem my family and I started talking about adopting a ferret we were
looking for a male, so we could have Ricky & Lucy, me being a I Love Lucy
fanatic.  Well we fell in love with Dizzie, so that plan went out the
window.  When were at the shelter letting our Lucy and Dizzie getting to
know each other I decided to name her Ethel, but she really didn't fit that
name once we got her home and got to know her.  Well we again decided to
change her name.  She is and will be Rickie..  considering that Ricky or
Rickie depending on the spelling can be either a girls or a boys name.  So
it's Lucy & Rickie again and boy let me tell you..  it is definitely a
comedy around here..  But everyone here is happy, well except Smokey.  But,
he even gets into the fun and mayhem.
[Posted in FML issue 3048]