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Tue, 9 May 2000 09:17:05 -0500
Tracy Jose <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
>Subject: ferret addiction
>I'm really curious how all the people out there with 6, 10, 15, even 30
>ferrets manage????  Are you always cleaning poop?  How do you tell which
>one is sick when you find diarrhea?  How do you keep them all happy and
>give them all individual attention?  I would love to hear everyone's
Funny you should ask Debbie, I ponder that also a few times a week.  I have
6 ferrets and two of them I have to keep separated from my other four, as
they were only ferrets and were abused and are terrified of my other four.
Spunky & Leah (the ferts who have been by themselves all their lives) love
to sleep and play with each other...they are no longer lonely anymore (not
that they were ever that lonely, because they played with me, but they have
each other to sleep with and chase around also and bond with).
I have a very large, finished basement that has been fert-proofed and all
6 have run of that which they love!  I have litter pans in almost every
corner with linoleum underneath for those little accidents.  I clean &
disinfect both sets of cages everyday when I change their bedding and
food/water.  I am always doing their laundry (bedding, toys, etc.) I have
bought so many air freshener plug-ins I think I should invest in stock.
:-) I also invested in a steam cleaner, which has been wonderful!  I have
only had three that have been sick and so far no major vet bills, but I
have one who was recently diagnosed with insulinoma, so there will be a big
vet bill.  If one does have diarrhea, I watch closely when I let them out
to play and catch each one when they go potty since they usually all go to
their favorite bathroom spot right away when they get out of the cage.  It
is not hard at all for me to give each one individual attention.  I am
always picking each one up and giving them tummy kisses and ear scratches
and playing each of their favorite games.
It does take a lot of time to let out two separate groups to play, I just
have a routine down since I have been doing it so long.  But I wouldn't
have it any other way.  My fuzzies are my babies, I don't have any human
children.  They have all bonded with each other so much, I am dreading the
day of any passing on.
Fuzzy kisses & hugs!
Tracy J.
Tango, Chico, Roo, Pepe', Spunky & Leah
[Posted in FML issue 3047]