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Sat, 6 May 2000 21:52:20 -0500
Erin Larson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
Here's an update all, I REALLY want to thank the people that gave me
information, and helpful suggestions.  Especially Troy Lynn as we've
decided to use the herbal remedy for now.
So here's what went on at the vets:
We went in, sat around for 2 hours waiting for other people to get done
paying and picking up their animals so she would have more time with us
(next time I'm just going to come in 2 hours late for my appointment),
and then we went back to the exam room and she told us she didn't feel it
necessary to incur the costs of tests and there's been some results of not
really being able to tell for sure or not if they have adrenal by them.  SO
she just felt their tummies and said she felt an enlargement on both of
them near the spleen.  So she said, the best bet is surgery of course, but
since we can't afford it right now, she said go ahead and try the herbal
one, she didn't really know if it would do much good or not so I'm supposed
to report if it did so she can recommend it in the future, and if that
doesn't work and we still can't afford it, we are going to try acupuncture
to see if that does much.  She is really leaning towards Eastern medicine
for various reasons, European ferrets are much healthier and Eastern
medicine basis on letting the body heal itself, so, she suggested we start
feeding them pinkies in addition to their regular food, and also suggested
we move them outdoors with a mosquito net so they can get the benefits of
the sun cycle.  So we're going to try that too.  (We have a big, covered
patio/deck/porch thing) So, no deaths today thank god.  I got some pinkies,
think they were too cold when I gave it to them because they just picked it
up and mouthed it and shook it around, but were definitely interested, I
wanted live ones but they were all out, so maybe next time.  So that's the
update, thanks again to all the supporting e-mails
Oh yeah, she's going to work on getting us an estimate for the surgeries
next week sometime.
[Posted in FML issue 3044]