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Sat, 6 May 2000 09:06:20 -0400
Cathy Jo <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
>I had quite a few responses and most people told me that there was no
>flea control for ferrets yet.  But... Erika mentioned that there was a
>new product that was just released.  It's called BioSpot.  I did a little
>research on this product and it was released in April 2000.  PetCo does
>carry the BioSpot for dogs & cats.  You might want to ask your local PetCo
>if they can get some in.  BioSpot is for fleas, ticks & mosquitoes!
>Here's a link to find out more information...
Since i started seeing the post about advantage and flea control i have
been wanting to post, so here it goes, I use BioSpot here (Maine) on Miloe
my dog.  Sabrina my housecat didn't need any, now i have been thinking that
the Bio spot for cats should be great for Ferrets just a few drops and last
a long time it is fairly inexpensive.  I need to talk to my vet about it as
well but id also appreciate any info you all may have on it, I assumed that
BioSpot was available everywhere (show's what i know!)  And this can be
bought at most pet stores and i believe most over the Internet as well.
good luck
I also have to add im so sorry to everybody who has lost their precious
fuzzies to the bridge, I cry to much reading the FML i actually thought of
going off, I just don't do well with the sad stuff, but for the health and
well being of my fuzzies i have to stay.  Im so so sorry for the sick
fuzzies and the ones that have passed my heart goes out to you.....
thanks for your time
~~~Cathy Jo, Miloe, Sabrina, Harley Ann & Teddy Bear & Max
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[Posted in FML issue 3044]