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Tue, 2 May 2000 18:34:47 -0400
"Greenfield, Beatrice" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
Hi, my ferret's ears are very dirty inside the shell.  I have wiped them
out best I can several times, but they are brown in a day or so- could she
have ear mites?  If so what can I do.  Also she was coughing very loud/high
with her mouth open, nothing came out and other wise she is normal, do
ferrets get hair balls like cats?  If so can I give her the same medication
if it happens again.
I also bought her a H harness, which was recommended on Ferret Central, but
Piper keeps slipping her legs through and has escaped from it-hence I have
not used it outside yet.  Is this normal, I don't want to put it on her too
tight, but she shouldn't be able to slip out either.  The harness has
Velcro strip closures- is there a better type of harness I should use?  I
would like to take her outside with me, but I don't want to risk loosing
her either- she will only come to her name when she feels like it and if
she got loose I am afraid I wouldn't be able to catch her.  Any advice
would be helpful.
One last thing is it safe for ferrets to play with stuffed animals or will
they eat the material.
Thanks for your help~Beatrice
[Posted in FML issue 3040]