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Tue, 2 May 2000 01:43:13 +0000
Susan Malone <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
Okay, once again I have been reading and keeping my mouth shut... but am
getting frustrated.
If the *MF papers/guarantee* that came with a kit were copies, I STRONGLY
tend to believe these were indeed forged papers.  I know that whenever
Marshalls sends 10 kits to a store, there are 10 packets of the Marshall's
information and the warranty.
Whether you like Marshalls or not, the fact is... every pet store owner I
personally have spoken to says "of the kits available in mass to pet
stores, Marshalls is by far the best".... soooo... I would tend to think it
is not unlikely a pet store would try to sell *other* kits AS Marshall
What is annoying me at this point is, I keep seeing this issue being
discussed as if the kit in question IS a Marshall... excuse me if I missed
something but hasn't it already been established, due to the stitches and
false papers that this was NOT a Marshall ferret at all??  And if so, why
is the Marshalls name still being dragged through the mud about it??
I am not saying Marshall's is perfect... then again... I don't think ANY
of us are... but please let's place blame where it is deserved... with an
unethical PET STORE.
Just my two cents... not that it's worth much. :)
[Posted in FML issue 3039]