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Mon, 1 May 2000 13:02:17 -0400
EI - Lydia Russell <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
Lisa McManus wrote:
>One of my girls has a thing about licking people's arms, just below their
>biceps (in the nice tender skin).
My two girls do this.  Plus on the back of the knee.  Casper is a big time
lick/chomper.  I have gotten her to stop the biting by long conversation on
biting and constantly telling her no bite.  But if I stop saying no bite
its an open invitation.  Now that Snickers is almost 2 she has started.
We are also having long talks on the biting rule.
We have finally started letting Sassy in with the crew.  Its not going
well.  Sassy wants to play but Snickers is way to mean.  She has Sassy
crying in a heartbeat.  I don't want to put bitter apple on Sassy because I
see that she is trying to play.  Sassy attacks the rest also.  I don't
think its fair to let her bite them and not let them return the "fun" I
am not sure how I am going to proceed but any suggestion are welcome.
Lydia and the crew
Snickers, Casper, Bubba, Smokey, Trooper, Sassy
Missing Mr. Snowman. Isis, and Ossi
[Posted in FML issue 3039]