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Fri, 28 Apr 2000 18:16:50 -0500
Cathy Jo <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
Hello everybody, Im new here and just got done reading my first digest.  My
name is Cathy Jo we live in Maine near Augusta.  Im owned by 5 furkids 3 of
which are ferrets.  All MF ferrets as well.  Harley Ann is our if there's
trouble you've found me ferret she is an investigator if iv ever seen one,
we have had her about 7 weeks, Teddy Bear is the next in line although we
were insured that all MF ferrets were 12-14 weeks there was no way this
little guys was more than 6 weeks old, Teddy is mild and just wants to play
he came 4 days after Harley Ann she didn't care for him at all we ended up
getting him a separate cage cause she beat him up too much, there was no
way this was all play.  but now they get along just fine.  then there is
Max, Ferret Math struck us one Sunday when we went to the Pet store for
ferret food and Max was so big and cute he came home with us.  he's very
different from the rest he has no interest in any ferret treats or
ferretvite he cant stand the stuff.  he's timi d and quiet but he is
beginning to come out of it and show us his stuff.  so there's our 3
ferrets they are all a blessing to us.  we also have a house cat named
Sabrina who thinks she is a ferret (which is rather funny) and Miloe our
Lhasa Apso who has no idea what to do with them, he tries to play but has
no idea how.
I loved the digest it was so sad reading about the sick ferrets and the
ones that have crossed to RB.  My heart goes out to you all.
sorry this got so long......
~~~Cathy Jo, Miloe, Sabrina, Harley Ann & Teddy Bear & Max
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[Posted in FML issue 3036]