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Thu, 27 Apr 2000 21:55:41 -0500
text/plain (29 lines)
The more I think about it, the angrier I get.  Many of you may remember
that I joined this list about a year ago because a "friend" of mine had
decided to up and leave town.  He called, offering my BF a "slightly used
ferret," stating that if we didn't want him he was just going to let him
loose in the ally behind his house.  His house, I might mention, was right
across the street from the University tennis courts and bordered a
University parking lot.  So we went and picked him up and through trial and
error we learned about ferrets and Wikkit has become part of our family.
You might even say he was the beginning of our family.
Well, Bobby came into Wal-Mart last night, where I work as a cashier.  He
made like a five second trip through the store for hackey sacks, checked
out in my line and asked, "So how's my baby doing?"
"YOUR baby?  YOUR baby!  You gave that right up about a year ago.  MY baby
is doing fine.  He's grown about three pounds and you wouldn't recognize
him." He didn't say another word after that and left quickly.  Can you
believe the nerve?  I really think he was going to ask for Wikkit back
after the total disregard he had for him, after the filth he left him in
(Golden Grahams and feces had to be washed from the cage with a pressure
I have the highest of regards for shelter and rescue operators, especially
the level-headed ones.  I'm afraid I would be sued at least once a month
working with some of the people you guys deal with.
[Posted in FML issue 3035]