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Wed, 19 Apr 2000 10:21:49 EDT
Anastasia Kidd <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
Oh wait.  That's supposed to be Ferrets for Dummies, isn't it?  I guess in
my case, the former is more accurate.
Stop worrying, Kim.  The Dummies books are well known.  They are a series
of consistently useful books on a wide range of topics.  I know that I have
quite a few of them, ranging for lawn care, rose care and various computer
program references.  I am looking forward to adding your ferret book to the
collection.  Hey, if I ever get the chance to meet you, I'll have to ask
you to autograph it for me!
Got an odd question for the folks who have caged ferrets.  Have you noticed
if the poops out of the cage tend to range in color and consistency even
though the cage litter pans are completely normal?  I can pretty much
guarantee that the presents left for me after play time will include at
least one sample that will have me worrying.  And yet, I've never had a
problem with bad stomaches, not once.  (For which I am eternally grateful
and do a dance of thanks to the ferret gods!) I suppose the odd poops are
the result of the wild gyrations the ferrets do when they get out of the
cages.  I'll admit that I dream of being able to give them free run of the
room, but when I see them go totally insane like they do, I'm kinda glad
they don't have it.
News flash: Elvis was sighted again in Plainfield, New Jersey.
Unfortunately, it looks like the little King is taking after the big King
and packing in the Twinkies.  Elvis the ferret has put on weight over the
course of the winter and is now rivaling my Sam for poundage.  Looks like
I've got a second ferret to sign up for Weight Watchers.
Hmm, I wonder if I can build a ferret treadmill.  They have them for dogs,
but then ferrets almost never run in a straight line.  And why would I want
to subject my ferrets to something I wouldn't subject myself to?
So tell me, what do you people do to keep you ferrets fit and trim?  What
kind of things do you give them or build for them or bribe them with to get
them to exercise?  How does one get ferrets to do jumping jacks and sit
This should be a good one.
Take care all!
Anastasia Kidd
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[Posted in FML issue 3027]