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Mon, 17 Apr 2000 10:54:35 -0400
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Boy, is Sue ever right!  The problem lies in people not pressuring stores
to require older ages.  It sounds like Petco has been requiring higher ages
for shippingand getting angry when that requirement isn't met -- not as
high as they could but a big IMPROVEMENT never-the-less, and one which
people seem to have just skimmed over.
I have to agree with several other people that it is NOT unusual for
non-MFs to be passed off as MFs.  Have seen it happen with non-PVs, too.
Still, no matter WHO the supplier is (and a NUMBER of them do it) there's
no excuse for sending out kits too young.  Within MF there sounds like
there's a continual struggle between two power bases on this topic and
things seem to vascilate.  Don't know if what is being seen is:
1. a kit other than MF being passed off as MF  (There ARE suppliers
   who are WORSE.)
2. a kit who is not as young as seems but didn't get the care needed
   at distributors of became ill and looks younger as a result (Either
   one HAS happened on and off through the years multiple times.)
3. a kit who is MF and is too young  (Dental aging will eventually tell.)
It's really NOT impossible to age such a kit as time goes on, but unless
there is documentation along with it and the distributor handles only MFs
in discrete batches instead of mixing (as some do) then it's just not
possible to tell if what is being seen is age, food deprivation, or health
till the little one if finally old enough to dental age.
How to do that (using averages)?
>Okay, let's be wild and let 6 weeks equal 42 days, 7 weeks equal 49
>days, 8 weeks >equal 56 days, 9 weeks equal 63 days, 10 weeks equal
>70 days, and 11 weeks equal 77 >days. You get the picture. Now,
>compare that with the below table of typical >eruption times for
>ferret teeth:
>***50 days*** (just over 7 weeks): Canine -- the conical shaped tooth
>***53 days*** (7 and 1/2 weeks): Molar 1 -- the tooth at the back
>which has a bit of
>flatness to it
>***60 days*** (8 and 1/2 weeks): Premolars 2-4 -- the slicing teeth
>at the sides of the >mouth
>***50 days*** (just over 7 weeks): Canine and Molar 1 60 days (8 and
>1/2 weeks): >Premolar 2
>***67 days*** (9 and 1/2 weeks): Premolar 3
>***74 days*** (10 and 1/2 weeks): Premolar 4 and Molar 2
>So, the adult teeth typically come in at JUST OVER 7 (SEVEN) WEEKS
>of age (or >one month and three weeks) through to ALMOST 11 (ELEVEN)
>WEEKS of age (or >two months and three weeks). This is well
>documented and in veterinary texts >(which is what my source is).
Forgive me for pulling up an old note of mine from Fox's texts, but figured
it would save people time looking it up or searching through past FMLs.
So, if you REALLY wan to make a difference gripe to the pet stores --
especially in WRITING by snail mail to the main offices since that often
gets the most attention -- and say that you REALLY want them to REQUIRE
that suppliers provide kits at older ages.  Personally, I'd be inclined
toward the 8 week mark or older.  I'd LOVE to see a federal regulation
that kits can't be shipped at younger ages.
[Posted in FML issue 3025]