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Sun, 16 Apr 2000 22:23:52 -0700
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (60 lines)
Greetings one and all!
Been quite some time since I posted last.  Everytime I do post I learn
something.  I was tickled to pieces the last time because I learned what a
bad ferret mom I was giving my ferret Mazuri, no problem there, I usually
only fed that when I couldn't get to the other town to get some Totally
Ferret, PetCo in my area finally is carrying it...YAY!
Since that last post I acquired another ferret.  For a little history
here... back in September (after a year of jumping through the proverbial
hoops meeting requirements) I returned to college almost 20 years after
high school...hehe.  Those requirements were to get into the Veterinary
Technician program at the local Community college.  In this state there are
only two AVMA accredited Vet-tech programs and this is one of them.  One of
my classmates had a female ferret and the two of them, ferret and human,
seemed to have a personality clash.  The ferret kept biting her, not just a
little but really hard and quite violently.  I told her one day that if she
ever wanted to get rid of her, to call me.  Well....a week later, after a
particularly "bad scene" she simply said "take her before I kill her".  You
didn't have to tell me twice!!!  Sweet little baby has done fine with me.
Only bit me (HARD!) once, but that was because the puppy in the livingroom
let loose with some serious yelping, my hand happened to be in the cage at
the time and *CHOMP*.  When I was finally able to retrieve my hand she even
lunged for it as I was closing the door.  I had a very sore, bruised and
battered hand after that.
So what is this post about?  Well, one of this quarters classes is Animal
Nursing III-Exotics.  Part of our grade is based on a report about
diseases/disorders affecting different "exotic" pets.  Yes, ferrets are
considered exotic in this class.  Everyone jumped on the proposed topics,
which included the popular diseases of ferrets adrenal disease,
hyperestrogenism and pancreatic tumors.  The woman I got Lilith (I renamed
her from Mika) from jumped on Insuloma in ferrets, since she lost her two
boys to it.  So...I wanted to do a report on ECE.  Well guess what?  My
teacher ( a vet ) had never heard of it, nor could he find any information
in any of his ferret books.  To add insult to injury, I couldn't find it in
Biology and Diseases of the Ferret.  Finally I found a great website about
it, forwarded it to the Doc...unfortunately, he doesn't believe there is
enough information out there for me to do a 3 page report.  Not one to give
up easily I approached the subject a different way..."how about if I write
a report on gastrointestinal disorders/diseases of the ferret in general,
AND present ECE in it?"  **Approved** Phew!  So now, what I am looking
for...oh wonderful fert caretakers...are your stories of going through ECE.
These stories need to involve a veterinarian.  I want professional
diagnosis, not.."I'm pretty sure it was ECE so just put them on a lot of
fluids, pedilyte, etc." Confused/baffled veterinarians are acceptable..
Heck, my instructor kept trying to tell me ECE was probably actually PBD.
Anyway, I'm interested in reading about your experiences since ECE has
been introduced to the ferret world.
If it's desired, I'll post my paper on my website after it's finished,
presented and graded.  (well, as long as I get a good grade..*grin*) I
thank all contributors in advance.
And now...I must go study for a parasitology practical exam in the morning.
Be well.
Nancy (Caesar and Lilith, too!!)
[Posted in FML issue 3024]