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Sat, 15 Apr 2000 22:17:30 EDT
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All of us can only go by our experiences and by what other people tell us
sometimes.  But I think that it may be important to note that pet store
employees who have been at the pet stores long enough here to see all the
MF ferrets come in for over 2 years tell me that they do not want MF
ferrets.  They are sold too young too often.  They HAVE switched companies.
And if another came along-they would try that one.
The problem-as it has been explained to me- is that they need a consistent
number of ferts coming in.  The only other fert producing businesses either
could not keep up with the orders.  Or the one from Canada that the pet
stores tried using were coming up with ferts that bit hard.
How can MF keep doing this?  I GUESS that It is easy if there is no other
competition.  How often do the stores get in babies that are too young to
make it, or who get sick, or who must be syringe fed??
---Often enough so that the people I have spoken with over the last 5 years
that work at pet stores in this area have told me that they don't want  MF
ferrets shipped to their stores if this problem cannot be corrected..----
The red fox living in the plot of woods just past the field is playing with
her babies outside.  She spent several days sitting next to 3 grown geese-5
feet away at most-with the babies playing right in front of the unconcerned
She ate one of the geese a few days ago.
A coyote is eating the kibble on my porch.  Looks like a shaggy dog to me.
My neice thinks it looks like a bear. :-)  We sleep by the porch door so as
not to miss anything.
[Posted in FML issue 3023]