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Print Reply
Thu, 6 Apr 2000 07:22:55 -0500
"Margaret M. Szelmeczka," <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
Below is a response to an inquiry to IGive.  I know for a fact there is a
book store where you can buy a book for as little as 6.95.  By buying the
book, you add 3 cents to every click for ALL of APRIL and MAY.  That if
multiplied by just one click a day comes to an additional 45 cents for
say April and 90 cents for May.  If multiplied by the maximum clicks of 5
changes the daily amount from A PENNY A DAY to 4 CENTS a day.  Those
pennies multiplied really add up.
Isn't the small expenditure worth it, now?
          -----------------Original Message ----------------
>Last month I was credited with 4 cents per click.  Now in April
>I only get one cent per click.  Please explain.
Clicks changed back to 1 cent each for anyone who shopped in February but
has not shopped in April.  If you shop now, once we credit your account at
[log in to unmask], your clicks go back to 4 cents for the remainder of April
and the complete month of May.  The clicks return to 1 cent June 1, etc.
Best regards,
Ann Norberg
Manager Customer Relations
iGive.com, Inc.
[Posted in FML issue 3014]