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Thu, 6 Apr 2000 16:19:21 EDT
Rebecca Stout <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (61 lines)
Put your drink down (I don't want to be blamed for coke bubbles out the
nose, or hot coffee on the keyboard), swallow that chocolate (don't want to
be blamed for choking), and grab your depends (no puddles now..  ).  You
may want to add wipes for that not so fresh feeling to your list also.
I'm writting you an account of what happened here on the condition you
don't write me and say..."DUUUUUH" at what I did.  Are you ready?  I
hope so.
A fellow fml'er Bmccoy6520(@aol.com) -- Beth-- was over visiting my husband
and I while we had our "business" of ferrets out playing.  The alpha male,
Pong, has a fettish..  an absolute psychotic obssession with coke and red
coke cans.  He goes completly hyper/nuts over them.  Well I forgot and got
a coke out in front of him and he was all over me going nuts.  I felt
bad and said to dear hubby, "why don't we just give him a can to play
with...maybe he'll be satisfied and get over this obsession".  So I got
up and got a full can of coke and put it on the floor despite hubby's
objections.  Pong went bezerk and had a good ole time with it.  Quite a
bit of time elapsed and once in a while you'd see a flash of shiny red and
a ferret pushing the can accross the living room floor at light speed.
More time passed and I was talking to Beth on the couch as hubby played on
the computer.  Now before I tell you what happened...let me preface this by
filling you in on something here.  Hubby is a walking gas leak.  If it's
not comming out of one end its comming out the other.  Sorry but it's the
cold hard facts.  Beth is super feminine and to show off and gross her out
he is constantly making sure it comes from the "bad" end.  And he is quite
loud and talented folks.
So were sitting talke when we hear this sudden, weird noise.  It sounded
like a sudden release of gas, then it sounded like..... Scott.  Yup sounded
like he finally pushed his limit and messed hisself.  We all sat there
staring at each other in shock.  We both looked at Scott in disgust and he
was sitting there with this shocked look on his face (so we thought
ok...guilty as charged).  Then the sound immediatley changed to a horrible
guzzling hiss.  Beth burst out laughing as she realized what the heck it
I stiiiiiill didn't "get it".  Scott jumped up cursing.  Then.... I "got
it".  Scott's yelling, "where is it where's the coke
*@#^$(#*#)&#(*&@(@&^)#@*!!!!" lol.  We flew off the couch and pulled it
out.  Pong had it in the tube behind the couch and I'm like all
grateful.....til Scott ran him out of the tube.  Pong was not about to
leave his "treasure"...drug it out spinning and spewing all over the place.
Of course Beth could die laughing it wasn't her home getting Cokified.
It wasn't her hubby cursing.  It wasn't her mess!!  LOL.  AND most of
all............ It wasn't her that had to pay the fiddler.  Scott told me
he could probably puncture that can, he told me it was stupid to give it
to him...he was right.
    ::sip:: "ahhhhhh" Coke IS it folks...it really is.
Pong:  "it's alive, it's alive..muahahahahahaaaaa"
Ping:  "whu.... what's going on?"
Rocky:  "RUN It's going to  BLOOOOOOW"
Laddie:  "We're all gonna diiiiie wahahhahhaaaaa"
the coke can:  "PHHHHHHHHHHHHHHFT"
[Posted in FML issue 3014]