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Thu, 6 Apr 2000 16:01:52 EDT
Lisa Goggins <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
I just wanted to let everyone know about the incident that happened with my
ferret clara the other day.  NEVER LEAVE WINDOWS OPEN...... I learned this
the hard way.  The ferrets will tear a hole in the screen and then... So I
came into my room which is on the second floor of my house and Clara who is
usually waiting by the door for me wasn't anywhere in sight!!!  I then
quickly remembered I had left the window open! She was gone!!! I was so
scared and I ran outside and began going through the bushes looking for my
bean...I expected to see her neck broken, lying in the bushes.  Keep in mind
I am also half necked, barefoot and it is raining!  Just then I hear my mom
say " Clara what are you doing out here?" and there she was wet, bottle brush
tailed and sniffing around like usual.  I rushed her inside and she just
jumped around and honked.  SHE WAS FINE! I could not believe my luck!  I am
convinced the bushes saved her and I am so lucky she didnt run off, I guess
her curious nose which usually gets her in trouble actually saved her this
time! So, even if you have screened in windows and a room that smells so bad
you have to air it out.  Dont leave them open with the furbutts out! I still
wonder if her evil brother Otis pushed her?
[Posted in FML issue 3014]