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Wed, 5 Apr 2000 15:13:28 EDT
Debbi Searing <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
Remember I was telling everyone about the 2" diameter, chewed-up cardboard
tube in the ferrets' cage at our local pet store?  Well, I made such a fuss
over it, offered to buy PVC tube for them, and then wondered aloud why they
just didn't put the made-for-ferrets tubing in there, you know, as product
advertising?  Then I wrote an email to Marshall Farms complaining (because
the managers at this store said Marshall's told them cardboard was okay),
and threatened to call the district manager of the chain, with whom I am
on a first-name basis.
Next day, whatta ya know, the ferrets have a bright pink ferret tube in
there, yipppeeeee!  Thanks to my "policing" and vocalizing, the ferrets
now have food 24-7, a bigger water bottle, a litter box, and a real ferret
tube!!!!!  One person CAN make a difference!!!!
Oh, and Steph (of Freedom Ferret Shelter), that Norton/Merlin look-alike
got sold.
debbi and the m&m ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 3012]