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Sun, 2 Apr 2000 23:50:50 -0700
Jacquie Rodgers <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (75 lines)
EUREKA!  I have discovered the solution to the eternal problem of
inadequate care, food and clean water in pet stores!
Last night I was walking around my neighborhood and stopped into the pet
store, where I have learned never to go because I always come out upset.
I've learned of a great mail-order pet supply, so it's probably been 4-6
months since I've even set foot inside the door of this place.  It was hot
and smelly inside and I quickly noticed many animals lying on their sides
panting....no water in the cages!  I started trying to tell myself: 'you
can't save them all; you're not responsible for every animal in the world;
just leave and don't make a scene', but this time it was different.  I knew
deep inside that I couldn't just turn my back and walk out this time.  If I
don't do something, who will??  Everybody says "somebody oughtta.........",
but who does???  I approached a salesgirl and told her not even half the
cages had water in them and the ones that did had undrinkable, filthy
water.  I asked if they make sure every cage has fresh water before they
close up for the night (it was almost closing time).  She replied "They
just spill it anyway.  If we have time, they get water before we leave,
yeah." I think it was something about the "IF we have time..." that just
didn't sit right with me.  I thought for a minute, then calmly told her
"I've talked to Scott (the owner) multiple times about this in the past.
Would you give him a message for me please?  Tell him that I'm finished
talking; now I'm going to get the animals what they need." She shot me a
strange look as I left.
I went home and called the Humane Society.....again.  How many times had I
done that?  All they do is show up, supervise water and food being put into
the cages and tell them to clean the cages up.  By the next day, the
problem exists all over again.  I decided this wasn't enough....not this
time.  I came home last night and began working on a huge sign which reads:
FOR THE ANIMALS.  This afternoon I parked my vehicle on the State
right-of-way (right at the curb of the roadway) in front of their store,
leaned the 4-ft x 4-ft sign against the back of my car so it could be read
from the roadway (did I say that it's the main drag thru town?).
Life immediately got incredibly interesting!  Within minutes a pet store
employee came out and was yelling at me, pushed me and knocked over my
sign.  I picked it up and stood my ground, stating that I was exercising my
rights as an American citizen.  The police soon showed up and advised them
I was not breaking any laws and nothing could be done to make me move nor
stop me from standing there.  The owner soon showed up and boy was he mad!
He could do nothing about my presence.  I was not saying anything nor doing
anything, just standing there holding my sign.  What I did do was attract a
lot of attention to the problem.  Attention from the public.......his
customers.  Heck, he doesn't care about the animals, but he sure does care
about not losing customers!!  I finally figured out how to hit him where it
hurts!!  I'd finally gotten his attention!
Cars honked, people waved and stopped to cheer me on and tell me more
horror stories about what goes on in there!  I began collecting signatures
and written comments from people.  I don't really know what I can do with
them, but a lot of people were willing to put it in writing that conditions
are appalling at the pet store, then sign their names to it.  No, I don't
know what we can do legally, but I know I didn't sit at home thinking
"someone (else) should do something!!!" Two ladies who stopped by turned
out to be local doctors who happen to be on the governing board of the
Humane Society.  They took my name and number, gave me theirs and assured
me that something would be done to make the store meet standards.
The 'mini-protest' was the second story on the 10 o'clock news tonight,
complete with pictures of my huge sign (in case anyone missed seeing it
roadside!) and some of the many people who stopped to talk to me, and
lots of footage of the inside of the pet shop....and of course, the owner
denying any problem and saying if people see something 'not quite up to
snuff' in his store they should come to him and he will remedy the problem
(yeah, right).  Famous last words of a fool.
It will be interesting to see what happens from here on.  Yes, I have plans
to return over the next few days.  I'll keep you posted!
jacquie & the boys (Loki, Morgan & Turnip) & Sara the Wonderdog
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[Posted in FML issue 3010]