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Sat, 1 Apr 2000 13:54:01 -0500
Kathy Cetron <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (139 lines)
[2-part post combined.  BIG]
Hi all,
First I would just like to say that this will be the end of this thread...I
am working on how to prevent this type of situation in the future and once
I have a game plan and answers I will report back to all of you.
Now I would like to say THANK YOU to all of you who wrote both on the FML
and to me personally and thanked me and supported my actions.  I would have
to say my personal email were 99% positive and supported which lets me know
how deeply you all care about ALL ferrets and really all animals...and that
makes me proud to be part of this group.
And just some quick thoughts ( because one of my ferrets had tumor surgery
this week..so I must give him extra attention) :
First with a background in animal welfare and being a Humane Officer I felt
that the abused ferret was not in immediate danger so therefore the most
PROFESSIONAL way to handle the situation would be to report what I saw and
see if a local humane representative was on site...I seem to recall the AFA
telling you not to leave animals in the car because a humane officer would
be on site...
Now when a complaint is received (in my book) a report should be taken
and ALL complaint should be considered REAL until an investigation is
complete... that is how I handled complaint...even if my best friend was
accused I as a Humane Officer would have to present a un-biased
investigation and REPORT BACK to the complaining party...THAT is what I
ASSUMED would happen.  As for why I am the only one who "saw"..well the
couple she was showing the ferret to saw and from the looks on their
faces..either didn't understand or were totally oblivious to what was
taking place...some people unfortunately still think physical punishment is
acceptable for an "animal"...we all know different.  So my goal out of the
report was to launch and investigation and start a file...my complaint may
have or have not been the first and it may or may not have been the
last..but a file would allow the AFA or the powers that be to establish a
track record for this breeder.
And when I posted to the FML I used my REAL email and did not hide behind
and anonymous post...why??..because I felt and still feel that I am a good
judge of what "REGULAR EVERYDAY PEOPLE" would consider abuse...I am not a
fanatic or alarmist but an individual who is willing to hear and SEE both
sides of the story...particularly where a reputation is at stake...If I
really was unprofessional I would have sent letters to the FML and local
humane offices and the PRESS naming the breeder right off the bat...because
So how to handle this in the future??..Well the AFA and other "professional"
organizations can do what the AKC and CFA do and that is to ask a neutral
Humane party to "police"..(sorry for that word) their shows...They really
should have a neutral educated party inspect the facilities, incoming
animals, the caging and water/food situation for the animals at the show
and be there for just this type of incident...to take a report and
investigate in an un-biased way what went on...then report to the host
organization and the reporting party and recommend action...good or bad...
Here is a quote from the AFA response that I think demands re-visiting:
>For the record, AFA is not a policing organization.  AFA does not
>recommend or endorse any of the breeders, shelters or vendors at an AFA
>hosted/sanctioned shows.  It is up to the individual consumer to make up
>his or her own mind to do business with someone.
>When the AFA gets multiple (more than one) complaints concerning a breeder,
>shelter or vendor, then and only then can steps be taken to determine if
>the accusations are true and action is warranted.  AFA will not take action
>with information based solely from a single individual.  Just because one
>person does not agree with something another individual is doing does not
>necessarily make that person's actions wrong or in this case abusive."
The AFA SHOULD be sure that ALL vendors ESPECIALLY those "SELLING" live
animals/ferrets are following high standards of care and education...if
And how would ANYONE know if MUTIPLE complaints had been made against an
individual breeder if NO RECORDS are kept?  and these records should allow
some sort of public access..under the "Freedom of Information Act" so that
if you or I want to get ferrets from a specific breeder we can be an
"informed" consumer..and my perception vs.  the AFA perception should be
looked at by a NEUTRAL party.
>If Kathy thought the action was obviously flagrant disciplinary abuse,
>wouldn t the other people around at that time have considered the same
>and reported it?"
It is hard to get people "involved" for various reasons...I spoke up
because I know the "drill" and know how the process is SUPPOSE to work..
I know cases where animals died as a result of witnessed actions and I
still can't get a statement..
>However, any person being accused of something has the right to meet their
>accuser, face to face.  Kathy s first action should have been to speak
>directly to the breeder to discuss her viewpoint of the actions"
Wrong...I spoke of how to handle this above...and no the accuser has no
right to see the complainant face to face unless a charge is brought...
that is how animal complaints work...anonymous till the complainant has
to testify for a cruelty charge...
>who bit some folks when they were trying to pick up other ferrets.  This
>was not ferret abuse by any means."
If the ferret bite "some folks" then this IS REALLY AN ISSUE...there should
be a report...WOW...this could mean life or death for that ferret and a BIG
lawsuit for the breeder and the AFA...anytime and "incident" like a bite
occurs at a show..a report should be MANDITORY>
>Others feel the need to voice their concerns in a public forum even when
>they were not present and have no clue as to what really happened.  Animal
>abuse should not be tolerated, child abuse should not be tolerated, and
>the public character abuse of an individual without substantiated proof
>should not be tolerated.
I feel that my presentation of the facts and my professionalism showed
through and that is why so many of you could see that there was a REAL
ISSUE here and for your concern and support of this abused ferret I for
one am VERY GRATEFUL...ABUSE, in any form, will not be tolerated..
>As mentioned numerous times in the past, the Board members and event
>personnel are all VOLUNTEERS!  There is no pay for all of their work.  They
>do it because they are committed to the ferret, not for monetary reasons.
I have spent the last 20+ years as an animal welfare/humane volunteer..so
I am VOLUNTEERING here before you all to be available to ferret shows in
my area..( say up the 4hrs away) to be the Humane Officer for any of you
who feel the need...I will be happy to develop a system and a "standard of
care" for any organization that wants to be a "professional" group that
sets the standards for humane and educated ferret care at very public
Thanks for enduring this long post...I will keep pursuing this issue and
will let you all know of my progress..
Keep fighting the good fight,
For the animals,
Kathy and her "13"
[Posted in FML issue 3008]