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Fri, 31 Mar 2000 10:18:23 -0800
text/plain (26 lines)
This is just amazing, how we go from reading a post about pet abuse
(whether perceived or actual) to justifying someone's personality.  So
what if someone is the sweetest thing next to cotton candy... does that
preclude them from doing anything that might be considered extreme or
abusive?  No one is questioning the breeders credibility, just a
questionable, maybe isolated incident.  Then again, make not isolated.
Who can say with a 100% absolute?  Not you, not me.
Just a question here...
Sue, were you at the breeder's stand when the "supposed" incident happened?
At the exact moment?  If you were not, then how can you suggest that it
didn't?  I'm not saying it happened as stated, nor am I saying it didn't?
Short of a very outspoken person, who just happens to have nerve to start a
potentially explosive debate with an unknown person.  Not many I'm sure.
All debate is appreciated, though keep it friendly, cause I might explode
(remember, none of you know my personality).
Behind every successful man is a WONDERFUL woman!
[Posted in FML issue 3007]