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Thu, 30 Mar 2000 09:26:44 -0500
Melissa Drake <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
Dear Ferrets First Folx:
I understand your frustration.  I can't believe how spin-doctory that post
from CC sounds!  It basically uses bad logic to drive people to a point:
- Shelters tend to use Totally Ferret (and other foods designed for ferrets)
- Totally ferret isn't the only ferret designed food
- Companion's Choice is a ferret food that has been tested on ferrets
  (It doesn't say designed for, just tested on and balanced)
We should then make the leap that since people who 'care about ferrets'
in the US and UK use ferret designed foods, these foods must be CC.  it
doesn't say ANY of the sources aprove of his food, but it implies strongly
that they do.
Good LORD, that is amazingly stupid!  I'd like him to actually cite people
who buy CC.  Not this spin doctor wizardry, but a list of shelters who
ENDORSE this product, their names, location and exact quotes on what they
have to say about CC.  Totally Ferret can, as can the old Iams, and no
doubt a few other foods.
I suspect much of the use of CC in the UK is due to the high cost and
difficulty of getting TF or even 8in1 or Marshall's.  Well, that's not
the case here, so I wish him good luck.
Frankly, I've heard not so nice things from UK ferret owners about this
food, but I'd be willing to give it a break if this company was less
apparently self serving and more concerned about how they're apearing to
the international ferret community, who they obviously want to buy their
As for the rice:
The answer seems to be rice is more digestable, but cat food might be
better for ferret with insoluma.  This also takes into account that some
ferret foods are sweetened to taste better to our sweet toothed pets.  I
had a friend with an insolimetic (is that right?) ferret who lived to the
ripe old age of 8, 5 years after her diagnosis.  She was kept on high
quality cat foods, and didn't like sweet foods like the other ferrets
would, so she had more problems with low blood sugar than the other end.
This was coicidental, but since I've read in Modern ferret that those
ferrets don't generally have such a long lifespan after diagnosis, there
might be something to it.
Melissa Drake
[Posted in FML issue 3006]