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Tue, 28 Mar 2000 01:31:51 -0500
text/plain (49 lines)
Hello all well I have had the worst week in my whole entire life.  It all
started on Sunday of last week.  My mother and I went to a cat show out of
town and didn't get back until about eight thirty.  First thing I did was
put the baby gate up and let the furbabies out to play.  Well when I was
looking for them I also wanted to make sure Misty hadn't pooped in front of
the water cooler.  She has a habit of that.  Well was I surprised to find
mucus and green slimy poop.  Scared to death we rushed to the emergency vet
immediately.  She was also very lethargic.  The vet took her temperature
and she lost control of her bladder.  Good so she got a fresh sample.  They
did a urinalysis she had protien and blood and bunches more in the results.
She was given an injection of Baytril and a prescription of Amoxicillan.
Well we took her to the vet the next day.  We had heard about a vet that is
more knowledgable than the vet we have here in Jacksonville.  So we drove
about 45 minutes away and on the way got a flat tire, then another flat
tire, then we were held up even longer because of an accident.  We were so
happy to find out that they did not close until seven.  We got there at six
o'clock.  Our appointment was at four o'clock.  Oh yeah to add to the bad
luck it was pouring down rain.  Well they did x-rays, and a fecal.  All
was normal.  They said it might be a slight infection so they put her on
Baytril pills, pectolin, and the amoxi drops she got the night before.
The Baytril pills were IMPOSSIBLE to give to her so the vet called in a
prescription to my original vet for some Cephlex.  We had another
appointtment for Wednesday but yet were unable to make it there this time
because my ride needed to get her car.  So we went in on Thursday as a
walk-in.  We got there at about eleven-thirty and weren't seen until
about two thirty.  But she was given fluids sub-q because she was very
dehydrated.  They got blood and a fecal.  The fecal was normal.  But she
still had diarrhea.  He stopped her on the amoxi drops and put her on
prednisolone.  She was also given Nutrcal.  She loved it.  She is not a
ferretvite of ferretone ferret.  So now we were giving her prednisone,
pectolin for diarrhea and cephlex.  She absoluttely HATED the prednisone.
So for the first couple of days she was so hard.  She then finally calmed
down a little bit.  Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday she would not eat
or drink anything.  So I took the night shift and my mother took the day
shift.  Every hour on the hour she was given pedialyte and baby food.  Well
we went back today and all was the same.  The vet said it might have been a
change of food.  We had changed from IAMS to Eukanuba about a month ago so
he said to change back immediately.  So we did and PRESTO.  She is much
better.  She is fully hydrated and is eating.  She has solid poop and more
energy tthan she has had in about a month.  Talk about happy.  The blood
work showed no ECE by the way.  Well sorry this was so long but I just had
to share the news with every body.  Thank you for ALL the help.  This would
have been written earlier but telephone problems prevented me.
Linda, Misty(I am feelin much btetter ma), Thumper(Yahoo I got my =
electric  blanket back.),  Baby and Idget (in our hearts forever)
[Posted in FML issue 3003]