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Wed, 22 Mar 2000 08:14:32 -0500
Randall Duke <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
Good Morning ,
I have a little experience w/ photography and have 2 very nice cameras and
2 very medi-ocre cameras.  What I have found is, You have to shoot a lot
of film , it doesn't matter what kind of camera you have.  Out of about
10 photos I will find 2 that I really like.  I also like to crop out
everything that takes away from the little one/s.  They just move a lot
so I find it works better for me to waste a little film and get a couple
a shots I really like.
What drives me nuts is the red eye, (not just on albinos) I tried to fix it
on print shop, by darkening the eyes .It just made my Wheezy look evil.  I
have bought a pen that you can use for red eye.  I hope that it works.
I would like to know how many people have the little collars w/ bells for
their ferrets.  I've been thinking about using them.  I have two concerns.
1. I know that they will drive them crazy at 1st.
2. I would think that they would actually be dangerous.  Maybe they could
get caught on something, the ferret could choke/hang... :(
Please give me your opinions on this.
As for the rabbit and the ferret.
I had the most horrible thing happen to me.  Talk about a bad pet mom !
I had no idea that ferrets would kill rabbits.  ( this was a while back).
Well, this lady at work gave me the most lovely baby black and white bunny.
It was just a baby I really thought that she was too young but, my friend
assured me she was old enough.
I was holding her on the sofa, she was scared of her new home and shaking.
I had no idea that she was picking up on the ferret smells all over the
house.  Then to make it worse Wheezy shows up and I attempt to introduce
Oh my God !!!  Wheezier grabbed little bunny by the neck and she let out a
squeal like I have never heard before.  I pulled wheezy away , the bunny
wasn't dead but, she went into shock and died 3 days later.  I even went
and borrowed the bunnys mother so they could be together .In hope that it
would help.
I cried for days and the guilt and stupidity I felt.  That was such a sweet
little animal and I brought her into bunny hell !!!
I strongly suggest that you keep your rabbit as far away as possible from
your ferret.
I would like to know .  When using a ferret for hunting like they do in
Europe for rabbits etc.  Does the ferret just come back or do you have to
chase it down?  How do they keep them from running off ?
[Posted in FML issue 2998]