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Mon, 20 Mar 2000 10:31:21 EST
Rebecca Stout <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
>The food HAS been changed, and you can bet the changes did not improve it.
>When we listen to double talking people placed at phones to pacify us, we
>are being gullible.
THANK YOU GEORGIA.  I already posted as one of the first posts of this
topic that it changed somewhere between the fall and january... its a FACT.
Just cause the protien levels, fat levels, etc are the same does not mean
the Ingredients have not changed!  THEY ARLREADY DID.  You can feed worm
meat and fat and all and STILL have the same percentages of fat, protiens,
I don't want to bash Iams..... I'm so very happy they will finally be more
assessible to people so their pets get better food that's for certain!  I
don't think in my opinion it has changed a big bunch.  The price is not
really cheaper now that it is out..so that does bug me.  If they were going
to change it and all, they could at least have lowered the price some more.
It's ok how it is now..I just pray they don't alter it too much in the
future if they plan to make any changes.
Anyway, I think none of us here want to bash Iams when its been so good in
the past to us, and I think we are all glad it is more assessable.  The
debate on whether it will change is senseless as no one knows for sure if
it will.  The debate on whether it has changed is dead....cause it DID.
lol.  The debate on whether the ingredients have been altered enough to
hurt the quality is strictly opinion.
[Posted in FML issue 2996]